Sunday, January 13, 2008

Christmas '07

Since I did not begin this blog until January, I still wanted to share some Christmas pictures. Here is how you keep a poodle busy so you can finish wrapping the Christmas presents. It's funny because he did not try to eat the paper, like I thought. Instead, he wanted to make his own confetti by tearing off a small piece and throwing it up in the air. I guess he got his holidays mixed up.

This picture was taken outside of where Teddy gets groomed. I had to set him up for a photo-op:
And this one was taken at my parents' house. We've done a Disney themed tree for several years. Since Teddy was Mickey Mouse for Halloween a couple of years ago, I thought he should try on his costume one more time in front of the tree:

And here are a couple of pictures of my poodle tree. What self-respecting poodle owner doesn't have a poodle ornament or two?

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love the poodle tree. I am getting quite a collection of poodle ornaments so it will be interesting to see what I have next year.