Monday, January 28, 2008

Birthday Blog

This is my birthday blog! I'm trying to hurry up and write this and get to bed before it is no longer my birthday. I'm now to the age to where it's just another year. I love birthdays, but I don't see why we have to get another year older every time one rolls around. But, whatever, I don't feel like I am my age. I'm having too much fun. :)

So today, I goofed off at work for a while and left early. I had an early dinner with my parents, and then went to my dog training center to help teach an intro agility class and then had utility obedience class with Teddy. It was my choice to delay dinner with my extended family until tomorrow. I know it must sound really boring, but I enjoyed it. So, one more year flies by.....


Avalon said...


Poodlebugs said...

Happy Birthday! Poodle hugs and kisses from "the gang" in Texas!

Theodorable said...

Thanks guys!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday (two days late), but celebrations must last at least a week to insure a good year! (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

Theodorable said...

Thank you! And yes, they should last a whole week- I'm down with that. More cake, please!