Friday, February 22, 2008


I'm not usually one to toot my own horn, in fact I try to stay pretty quiet (OK, don't laugh!). However, I have to admit that it has been pretty fun going to classes and meetings this week and sharing the news about Teddy's new obedience title. I've probably received about 50 congratulatory e-mails, and one really nice blog entry (thanks Patti!), and it just doesn't get old. We even got to brag in agility class. Our instructor is really great about starting off our class with brags of all sorts.
So, to continue the celebration, I ran by the bakery on the way to work on Wednesday and placed an order for some special cookies to take to our Open obedience class and our club's board meeting that night. They were a big hit.
Mmmmmmm! The taste of sweet success! :)


Anonymous said...

I never got to say congratulations! WooHoo!!! Way to go Melissa.

Gene and Kyra

Theodorable said...

Thanks Gene!! In cases like this, I assume Patti speaks for the both of you, but it's much appreciated anyway!
I'm really enjoying seeing your Kyra and Hemi videos!! So much fun to watch!