I even made poodle cupcakes for the humans from an idea I found on this website: http://www.kitchendaily.com/2011/01/07/pretty-in-pink-poodle-cupcakes-cupcake-decorating/. Here are my versions of these.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Teddy Turns 9!
I even made poodle cupcakes for the humans from an idea I found on this website: http://www.kitchendaily.com/2011/01/07/pretty-in-pink-poodle-cupcakes-cupcake-decorating/. Here are my versions of these.
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Ups and Downs of Agility

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Happy Halloween

Teddy & JoJo and I on the front porch. Yes, it's a poodle on my shirt and the pumpkin!
Teddy with his skeleton costume. It's so hard to get a good picture of him, especially in a black outfit.
Below is JoJo in his panda suit. We thought he makes a pretty good panda. Although, I should have put his topknot in before dressing him.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
WCFO International Conference

Me & JoJo & Teddy with Michele Pouliot and Yvonne Koehler & Aspen
On Wednesday, we attended a seminar all morning and watched the Pro Stars compete in the afternoon. On Thursday and Friday, it was Teddy and I's turn to compete. We performed routines in the Beginner's B Heelwork to Music and Intermediate Musical Freestyle categories. I was very proud of Teddy, he was up and did not seem stressed on the first day. He probably did just about the best he has ever done in competition. On Thursday, we placed first in Beginner's Heelwork, earned a leg, and won a trophy for high scoring beginner dog. In Intermediate Freestyle we placed second and earned a leg.

Me & Teddy (looking adoringly at) Diane Kowalski and Yvonne Koehler & Aspen
On Friday, Teddy was much more tired and therefore stressed. When Teddy is like this he is noticeably more distracted and disconnected. We did not do as well as the day before. We missed qualifying in Intermediate Freestyle by 1/10th of a point, but still placed first. However, in Beginner's Heelwork to Music, we placed second and earned a leg, finishing our title. We also won best best collar.
Saturday and Sunday were spent in workshops and learning about training techniques from some top trainers and freestylers. I learned a lot and can't wait to start implementing some ideas. I even got to work JoJo, my then 15 week old puppy, which was fun. This was JoJo's first roadtrip, and I'm so glad that he got to tag along. The experience was priceless for him to get to be around a lot of other people and dogs. He had a blast and was so good in the hotel and crating room.
Here is our Beginner's Heelwork to Music routine.
And here is our Intermediate Musical Freestyle routine. I realized about 3 months ago that the original choreography that I had for this routine was just not working for us. I had an extra prop that was a hula hoop and moves that Teddy did not enjoy. So, I changed about 75% of the choreography. I realized that because of the camera angle, you can't really see my prop. It's a large clock face.
Here is the Arkansas group that attended the conference with our dogs and the awards that we all won:
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Birthday Boy

In case you are wondering how you send your dog and be behind the camera waiting to snap the picture all at the same time: I used a Manners' Minder machine on the other side of the tire, I set Teddy up on a wait in front of the tire, ran behind the camera on a tripod, told him to jump, took the picture, and hit the remote on the treat machine. Teddy was good to oblige me as I need several attempts to get a halfway decent shot.
So far, it's been a good year for Teddy. We have managed to finally finish our Rally Advanced Excellent title, our Graduate Novice title, and our Freestyle Dog Excellent title in musical freestyle. We are on track to finish 2 more titles before the end of the year, but we'll just keep our fingers crossed for those because anything can happen. I'm so proud of him because he is trying so hard. We are working together as a team better than ever. He even earned a pairs leg in USDAA agility a couple of weeks ago. Our gambler's runs were beautiful, but my bad timing cost us the Q's. We will continue to keep working and playing freestyle and see where the future takes us. I just hope that we have a lot of years left to keep playing together. Happy Birthday my sweet boy!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Announcing JoJo

Casablanca's Get Back JoJo

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Teddy Lure Courses
Teddy had a fun Saturday. We went out to our agility instructor's house and watched some flyball. Then the dogs got to try out her new lure course. After that, all the dogs were turned loose to play and explore together.
Teddy had a ball playing with all the other dogs. He got really hyped up watching the other dogs run on the lure course. He did great the first lap around. After that, I think he was looking for a short cut. Actually, I think if they had teased him just a little bit more and kept the bag closer to him, he would have completed the second lap. Still, he had a great time. Maybe we'll try it again sometime. What a great way to spend a Saturday!